![]() I'm Backkkkkkkk! Just had those itchy, withcy twitch fingers to change my blog URL. Heheee. So yeahh, just a random change. So.. today was a pretty much hectic day for me. The day before that is sunday i slept at 230AM and later on need to wake up at 430AM for sahur. How nice eh? I only get 2 freaking hours of sleep. But weirdly, i woke up feeling FRESH for i don't know why! Ahaaha. So was suppose to go school today but i overslept. Kept on snoozing my alarm so the result, overslept lor! Hahaa. And on the other hand, i was feeling very very shagged. So i PROMISED teacher that i will meet her 9am tomorrow. Sharks! Don't know whether i can wake up or not seh. Tsk! Hopefully can uh. And the day after, is my oral. Ohmyee, damn petrified! D; So, so gotta start practicing! And today, went to the saloon with my love! Went to rebond my fringe and trim my hair abit. Afterwhich, off to Ws library to kill time. 530pm went to meet lubie at mrt and off to geylang bazaar. Went to tanjong katong complex, look around for baju raye and to kill time. Hahaa. Bought DENG-DENG! Sedappppp! Heheheee ;D And when we reached aljunied, it was time for buke already. Had deng-deng for alas perut and off to nazirah's crib to break-fast (: After breaking-fast, her daddy send us off to geylang and off to bazaar and walk around. Damn, tired and exhausted ples it was drizzling :/ Caught alittle headache until now. Sighs. Nazirah bought her baju raye already and i've yet to buy one. Still reconsidering of what colour to buy etc. Heeh. Very fickle-minded i know. Soo, by 10pm train back to pasiris. Love drop at tanah merah while me and lubie off too pasiris. Had fun with my love ones today! Friday would be off to buy baju raye, yay! Hehs. toodles! |
EMAIL / FACEBOOK / MULTIPLY / MYSPACE / TAGGED / FORMSPRING / TWITTER / I'm Nat, 17 :) I'm a nerd living on Pluto and studying for my O'level this year, very very busy. 27/10/92. Google Chrome Best Viewed. T a g b o a r d since 5 nov 07 My window live My Lj (: Aisyah(: Ayu Alisah Attirah(: Amalyn Atiqah Aiidah AKUTOULOVESYOU Afiqah(: Aikha Acha Arif Anirah Afiq dude (: Ayeesyah Belinda Beylo Hawt Catherine Caroline Diddy Demi Deq Feeza(: Deepan Dyla Ezum Farhain Farah Ferina(: Faidah Fareedz Farizi Faiz Farhana Fadhila Fadzil Gladys Hical Hazwan HAs Ifah Izwan Leslie JY Khairi Kaye MR POON Minn Munirah Maslina Mariam Nazia(: Nasyitah Naddy(: Naddy Nasirah Nazihah Nadhirah Navin Nabil Nazirah Rezar Rahayu Razi Rifqi Rachel Sheikh Shahid Shukri Soleha Sarah Sarah Amelia Syahirah Sheikh Sharon Sharmaine Syafiq Shakira Safuan Tirna Wal-wal Yo Yi Cheng Yad chucky Zila Ziey Zharfan Zahidah Zafri Layout: 16thday x |