![]() I'm currently at ehub downtown now with, love. *winkwink* Will be breaking fast here and now its only 7:04PM. Gahhh, i'm soo hungry and can't really concentrate on my work. Further more, my tooth hurts :( I guess its because of the nasi lemak ikan bilis i ate during sahur :/ Hayaa. After break fast iam going to do some maths and afterthat home while he will be helping me here and there in my powerpoint project (: And now i'am waiting for him to get up. His buying food for break-fast :D ------------------------- And did i forget to mention here that today was the actual day of my O level English Oral examination. I swear it was the most oh-so-thrilling moments i ever had this year. I know that i've gone through it last year, but this year i was stuck up with no CONFIDENCE at all! :( I dunno why! Even tho i've been through those, extra mentoring session with Ms June, still my confidence was not there. Sighs. But what is done, obviously cannot be undone. So yeahh, just pray for the best. Haish. And the worst thing? I was the 2nd last candidate for the day! -.- How nice is that, you tell me? Pfft. Usually back in those times, i will always be the number 3 candidate cause my register number was 3! But this time round, i think it's unfair lor! Hmph! It's okay nat, it's over okay?! And just don't ask me about how it went. I guess i screwed it up! :/ By looking at the examiner's tired and sleepy look, it gives me no confidence at all! Gahhhhh! D; Whatever, whatever! Soooooo, after my oral, i had Sayang to pick me up! Yeah, yeah! That was the best part right? Hehehe:) He waited patiently for like 1 or 2 hours at the school's bustop! Heeh! Sorry to keep you waiting my dear! ;P And after which, off to White Sands to get food for my daddy and bumped into brandon and douglas there. Ahaa. Homed, pass food to daddy and off to downtown, ehub with dearest! Wanted to study, but get alittle cranky after that, cause my stomach was growling and my tooth was aching.While waiting for break-fast, i just surf the net using my lappy. Had kfc for break-fast and after eating we slacked all the way instead of studying. Hehee. So dearest send me homee and he went home after that. Love you dear (: The next day which is on the thursday, i accompanied lubie & nazirah to get their hair done. Lubie rebond her hair while nazirah curled her hair. I've yet to see the outcome cause i went homed halfway to help daddy with cooking of the food. And speaking of break-fast, that day was the only day after so long that i break fast at home! Other days, i break fast outside! Tsk tsk. And i'm still pondering on what to do to my hair? Haha, still thinking, Fickled minded i know! Hehee (; And on friday, i followed mummy & abang to geylang in search for baju raya! Yayness! Finally i bought mine already and the colour is gold yellow or you can say mustard yellow and another colour is turquoise! :D Brother was being a busybody and he bought turquoise also! -.- Haha, mummy bought light purple and dad? Idk yet. Hahaha. Next , iam going to search for accessories! But need to wait for my pay! And iam also very contented because the food that i've been craving for like finally i'd got to eat it again! ;D Like, dendeng, air khatira & donutssss! Hehehe, sedap tau tau tau! Hehe. And mummy says, next week thurday we're heading to geylang again! I guess i want to apply henna that day! I dunno, see how! Heeh! And so my weekends working as per normal. Only that yesterday was alittle special! Cause sayang came over to fetch me with dendeng together with him! Hahaha! Cute love! Gotta go mug some things now! And below? It's his ukulele & my guitarr! ;D ![]() psstt.. thats the tee i bought for him on his birthday! Hehe ^^ toodles! P.s I LOVE YOU! :D |
EMAIL / FACEBOOK / MULTIPLY / MYSPACE / TAGGED / FORMSPRING / TWITTER / I'm Nat, 17 :) I'm a nerd living on Pluto and studying for my O'level this year, very very busy. 27/10/92. Google Chrome Best Viewed. T a g b o a r d since 5 nov 07 My window live My Lj (: Aisyah(: Ayu Alisah Attirah(: Amalyn Atiqah Aiidah AKUTOULOVESYOU Afiqah(: Aikha Acha Arif Anirah Afiq dude (: Ayeesyah Belinda Beylo Hawt Catherine Caroline Diddy Demi Deq Feeza(: Deepan Dyla Ezum Farhain Farah Ferina(: Faidah Fareedz Farizi Faiz Farhana Fadhila Fadzil Gladys Hical Hazwan HAs Ifah Izwan Leslie JY Khairi Kaye MR POON Minn Munirah Maslina Mariam Nazia(: Nasyitah Naddy(: Naddy Nasirah Nazihah Nadhirah Navin Nabil Nazirah Rezar Rahayu Razi Rifqi Rachel Sheikh Shahid Shukri Soleha Sarah Sarah Amelia Syahirah Sheikh Sharon Sharmaine Syafiq Shakira Safuan Tirna Wal-wal Yo Yi Cheng Yad chucky Zila Ziey Zharfan Zahidah Zafri Layout: 16thday x |