![]() Hellooooooooooooo. Myles here to Update Nattasa's blogggg!! Tsktsktsk... Lazy girl la she! Anyways, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI SEMUA!!! (: FIRST DAY OF RAYA TAU! :D Adeee Duit! & & I'm jealous of Nattasa cause she got S$50 for just sitting at home attending to her "Open House" So basically, Today is First day of Raya, where everybody goes out and visit and also to catch up on good times and also... receive money. (: BUT THAT'S NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! The MOST IMPORTANT THING is to ask for forgiveness. Especially to your Mother. And then soon follow ups to your family and then friends. Today, she woke up early and probably have to do some decorations early and set up for her Open House. She helped with the food preparations, cleaning up of house and ended up doing some decorations. Afterwhich, she woke me up. AND I WAS FREAKING LAZY TO GET OUT OF BED! But haishhh, still have to get out of bed. Later she marah. Anyways, it was like around lunchtime and she invited me to go over to her house... TO EAT RENDANG! & also to meet HER! (: Afterwhich, I went down to meet her. (: Met her. She was wearing her Purple Baju, with.... Black pants? Yeah, Black! Colour black! (: Was really nervous as... its the first time for her to bring me to her house. I was the only one there. So... we have to play it cool (: We are "friends" :D HEHEHE. So I met her Daddy & Mummy and of course, her abang. AND AND! Her Daddy looks so familiar! It's like... I've seen her father and her brother! before! Hmmmm, I don't know where and when I seen them. So... I was offered food. AND THERE IS RENDANG! RENDANG! RENDANG! (: SEDAPPP SEHH! TAU TAK, SAYANG?! SEDAP GILER! (: And so... she took out her sayang and started playing her. She has... 2 UKULELES! But both of them are in really bad condition! Sayang, 1 day we go and find someone who repairs and polish Ukulele's kay? (: Then I stopped here and there and played her guitar. Sang her a few songs but really... soft soft! And she did too, with Valentine by Kina Grannis :D And so, her brother's friends and also colleagues came to her house. To be honest, I thought there was more, but then it turns out to be just 2 people -.- And so I played around with her guitar and then i suddenly got engrossed with it. ): Bad sign, made her feel like my presence is there but ain't talking to her ): my bad! Soon after, I wanted to go home... but while waiting for her Mummy, Sayang showed me her pet (: TWEEETTYYYY! :D first time I saw her in person! :D hehehhee :D SO PAMPERED UHHHH! Pampered too much by Nattasa (: hehehee :D but she's a good girl, tweety. Nattasa loves her alot. And so, she sent me off to my bus stop and and.... aderlah! (; LOVE YOU, SWEETS!~ Sayang! Myles message to you!
I'd pour my heart out For you I wish never shall we be apart For you I love you very much. ♥♥♥♥♥ Selamat Hari Raya to you. Maaf Zahir Dan Batin I love you. I miss you. I need you. Yours; Sincerely, Myles♥ |
EMAIL / FACEBOOK / MULTIPLY / MYSPACE / TAGGED / FORMSPRING / TWITTER / I'm Nat, 17 :) I'm a nerd living on Pluto and studying for my O'level this year, very very busy. 27/10/92. Google Chrome Best Viewed. T a g b o a r d since 5 nov 07 My window live My Lj (: Aisyah(: Ayu Alisah Attirah(: Amalyn Atiqah Aiidah AKUTOULOVESYOU Afiqah(: Aikha Acha Arif Anirah Afiq dude (: Ayeesyah Belinda Beylo Hawt Catherine Caroline Diddy Demi Deq Feeza(: Deepan Dyla Ezum Farhain Farah Ferina(: Faidah Fareedz Farizi Faiz Farhana Fadhila Fadzil Gladys Hical Hazwan HAs Ifah Izwan Leslie JY Khairi Kaye MR POON Minn Munirah Maslina Mariam Nazia(: Nasyitah Naddy(: Naddy Nasirah Nazihah Nadhirah Navin Nabil Nazirah Rezar Rahayu Razi Rifqi Rachel Sheikh Shahid Shukri Soleha Sarah Sarah Amelia Syahirah Sheikh Sharon Sharmaine Syafiq Shakira Safuan Tirna Wal-wal Yo Yi Cheng Yad chucky Zila Ziey Zharfan Zahidah Zafri Layout: 16thday x |