![]() ![]() The title says it all! Yes! Finally ive turn sweeeet 18 TODAY! 27 of october! :D Hehee. So how did my day start like? I can remember vividly that i was down with 2 papers and i'am left with 1 more paper that falls, exactly on my 18th birthday, that is maths paper 2! Why am i not surprise? Paper 1 falls on my 17th last year -.- Okay okay enough of O's. Hahaa. So.... before the clock even strikes midnight, i've receive birthday wishes/ messages from my close ones. And even calls! I admit was was half asleep tho, cause i didnt want to sleep late and i still have my O's the other day. Eventually, i was awoken by the very first message from....... Belinda Sayang! :D Followed by Nazirah's :D, Zaf's phone call shouting thru the phone HAPPY BIRTHDAY!, Sayang's text and followed by a phone call from him, singing "Happy Birthday Song!" on the phone. Awww, hehs. Then followed by Nazia's text message & phone call and once i was to settle for my bed again.. i receive another one from..... KAKAK! > So.. upon waking up was flooded with birthday wishes again. I got kinda distracted and i didnt really study for my paper 2 -.- So out of the house at around 130pm, meet up with fina and off to school. Oh yeah, as per normal saw my friends who re-take and Ms Han! ^^ If only hakim was there! Lol xD So.. up to level 4 where the private candidates sit for their paper in the AIRCON classroom instead of the hall! Hehe :) So i didnt really want to go in... cause i wasn't ready! Booohoo, but still i must fight the war right? So when in, find my seat and got my paper. Paper starts at 230pm...... and i stared flipping through the pages and i smiled to myself! Why? Cause it was kinda manageable as compared to last year! :D But.. i think i screwed my paper 1 and thats a really sad thing! :( But whatever it is, i know i've tried my best and i hope to get better grades then last year.. So... 2 hours later paper ended. That is around 5pm! I panicked when the invigilator says you got 5mins minutes! Gosh! U wouldn't want to know what silly mistake i did! :/ I get really excited when it comes to the graph question but being very silly, i drew on the other side of the graph paper! -.- So its like, terbalik? Tsk! Luckily i realized my mistake and i quickly raise up my hand and request for a new graph paper! When iam left with......... 10 more minutes! At that point of time, what i really really want to do is to stop TIME! So i rush and re-plot my graph and drew a tangent which.. err i dont know la! Haish! So much of being excited huh? Tskk... Okay! After the paper i feel good! Maybe because i am looking forward to celebrate my birthday with sayang? Hehee. So make my way out and saw sayang..... empty handed. Okays..... So i walk to him and smile and there he goes, hiding my "present" behind the wall! Haha! So clever, make use of the wall to hide my present! Hehe! Okay, this part i swear i was freaking shocked okays! Cause i think i know whats inside but i dare not assume! So... i changed the topic and talk about my maths paper! Hehe! So make our way to downtown and syg was acting weird.. Haha, okay. So.. walk to prp and there i unwrapped my present and guess whats inside?! :D Its the GUITARRRRRR I WANTED! :D :D :D OHMYEEEEEEE! The black guitar! Gosh! I swear i teared at the very moment of time! I just couldn't believe my eyes! There he goes, wiping away my tears :') I was in total shocked and speechless like for god sake uh! And he lied to me! Saying its, a disk holder la.. Haha, nice one sayang :P So... took it out and started strumming it! Yay! Like finnaly iam touching on guitars again! It has been awhile since i last touch my guitar! Due to my hectic schedules! Gosh! So... pathetic i play a happy birthday song for myself! Haha :) And so... later on he took the guitar from me and say he wants to dedicate a song for me! Which he wrote it himself and it is a Happy 18th Birthday song for me! ^^ Very cute & Nice! Hahah! And funny too! Please hor, its not the same ordinary mundane Happy birthday song, this one got lyrics all! Hehe:) Soo, all i managed to do was SMILLEEEEEE! Hehe, what a sweet boyfriend i had! Hee. So we slacked at prp and i need to be home by 8pm. I felt very very weird cause my mum ask me to be home, before 8pm. Hmmmm? So it keeps me wondering whats wrong uh. So yeahhh, he send me home :) Thanks for the present and EVERYTHING SAYANG! LOVE YOU LOTS DO YOU KNOW THAT?! :D Heeee! So.. home and into my room blah blah blah. Then mummy came in and ask me to close my eyes! And infact, she close for me my eyes and direct me to the kitchen! Hahahah! So when i open my eyes, there on the kitchen table was my BIRTHDAY CAKE! :D Oreo Cheesecake from secret recipieee! > Then after i bathe all, i went to check my fb and it was flooded with notifications too! Ohmyeeee! Close to 200, i can say? Gosh! I will be having a hard time replying to them all! Hehe, and i will do it tomorrow, not today! So.. yeah thats to sum up my 18th birthday celebration :) Nothing much. Just wanna thanked Sayang! for the guitar and dedication once again! :) Love you tau! > xoxo. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
EMAIL / FACEBOOK / MULTIPLY / MYSPACE / TAGGED / FORMSPRING / TWITTER / I'm Nat, 17 :) I'm a nerd living on Pluto and studying for my O'level this year, very very busy. 27/10/92. Google Chrome Best Viewed. T a g b o a r d since 5 nov 07 My window live My Lj (: Aisyah(: Ayu Alisah Attirah(: Amalyn Atiqah Aiidah AKUTOULOVESYOU Afiqah(: Aikha Acha Arif Anirah Afiq dude (: Ayeesyah Belinda Beylo Hawt Catherine Caroline Diddy Demi Deq Feeza(: Deepan Dyla Ezum Farhain Farah Ferina(: Faidah Fareedz Farizi Faiz Farhana Fadhila Fadzil Gladys Hical Hazwan HAs Ifah Izwan Leslie JY Khairi Kaye MR POON Minn Munirah Maslina Mariam Nazia(: Nasyitah Naddy(: Naddy Nasirah Nazihah Nadhirah Navin Nabil Nazirah Rezar Rahayu Razi Rifqi Rachel Sheikh Shahid Shukri Soleha Sarah Sarah Amelia Syahirah Sheikh Sharon Sharmaine Syafiq Shakira Safuan Tirna Wal-wal Yo Yi Cheng Yad chucky Zila Ziey Zharfan Zahidah Zafri Layout: 16thday x |